Giulio Iurissevich embarked upon a career as a photographer and graphic artist in 1998. With the computer, he discovered a talent for digital fashion illustration. This international success story from a small town called Pordenone, Italy, is completely self-taught, although he says the passion for images and art has always been with him.
Driven by instinct and inspired by the human form, Giulio’s work explores volume, geometry, and colour, reducing unnecessary effects, and focusing instead on clean lines and forms. As a guitar player, he credits his music as a source of inspiration and energy. His work is abstract, with a strong urban street culture influence. Unique and versatile, Giulio is equally at home with fashion, beauty and lifestyle illustrations or a rougher urban street style for applied to anything from magazines, billboards, and toys, to independent music festivals, raves, and concerts.
Giulio’s appeal extends well beyond his native Italy, and especially within The UK, US, Canada, and Germany where his clients include Karim Rashid, Motorola, Virgin, Oxford University Press, Music for Relief, New York City Marathon, Start Mobile, Image Zoo, Shelter, Frezza Inc-Casamania, Thedesignconspiracy UK, Qub Studios, and magazines Elle, Marie Claire, The Source, Vogue, Runner’s World, Vision Magazine (China), and Rivista Ottagono (Italy). His success is also reflected with his inclusion in several important fashion illustration books, including The Big Book of Fashion by Martin Dawber, and published by Bt Batsford (UK), Text and Image vol 2 pubblicato da AVA- applied visual arts (Svizzera), Enciclopedia dell’arte moderna e contemporanea (Alba Editrice) (ITaly), Communication Arts the Annual (UK), Luerzer’s Archive Best 200 Illustrators Worldwide (AU), Talentos de la illustracion de moda (Spain). Two of Giulio’s recent pieces, “The Elders”, and “The 3 Sisters”, were also selected for publication in UK Association of Illustrators Images Annual Awards and Accompanying Exhibition.
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